Existing Home Inspectors

The Home Inspector Association provides exceptional benefits to all home inspectors and invites all BC licensed home inspectors to become members.

Out of respect to existing inspectors, HIABC has an easy-to-access Equivalency Program to recognize industry experience no matter if you have been a member of another association, transferred from another province, or are otherwise a licensed inspector in BC.

If you are currently a member of another home inspection association (including changing provinces) and hold a professional designation such as CHI or RHI, you may be eligible for an Equivalency upgrade to a full Accredited Home Inspector (AHI) membership. Contact the HIABC office to request more information on your equivalency.

If you do not hold another association designation but have a valid BC Home Inspection license (or are eligible such as with a province transfer) and would like to be a member of HIABC, contact the HIABC office to request equivalency.

Inspectors are able to apply for membership in the HIABC Professional Insurance Plan, an errors & omissions program for HIABC inspectors only.  The attached document answers questions on the Plan.  HIABC-Professional-Insurance-Plan-Q-A